
This package simplifies showing ads from Max SDK.

It automatically handles:

  • loading the ads
  • sending required Lion Analytics Ad events


  • Go to LionStudios→Settings Manager in the Unity menu
  • Switch to the Ads tab
  • Turn ON the “Enable Lion Ads” checkbox
  • Fill up the required ad unit IDs
  • Leave the other settings to their default values unless requested


Lion Ads provides just a few static functions to show and handle ads.

  • LionAds.IsRewardedReady

    • returns: boolean

    Call this to decide whether to propose rewarded buttons or to disable them

  • LionAds.TryShowRewarded(string placement, Action onRewarded, Action onClosed = null, Reward reward = null, Dictionary<string, object> additionalData)

    • returns: boolean: false if no ad was ready
    • parameters:
      • placement: a string describing this ad placement (ie: “SkinShop”, “SkipLevel”…)
      • onRewarded: a callback called when the player has watched through the ad. This should contain the code that gives the actual reward to the player.
      • onClosed(optional): a callback called when the ad was closed (completed or canceled). This can be used to resume normal flow after the ad.
      • reward (optional): this object will be passed in the automated call to LionAnalytics.RewardVideoCollect. (cf Ad Events)
      • additionalData (optional): this parameter will be passed to the RewardVideoShow and RewardVideoCollect events.

    Call this to show a rewarded video if available.

  • LionAds.TryShowInterstitial(string placement, Action onClosed = null, Dictionary<string, object> additionalData)

    • returns: boolean: false if no ad was ready
    • parameters:
      • placement: a string describing this ad placement (ie: “LevelEnd”…)
      • onClosed(optional): a callback called when the ad was closed (completed or canceled or not ready). This can be used to resume normal flow after the ad.
      • additionalData (optional): this parameter will be passed to the InterstitialShow event.

    Call this to show an interstitial video if available.

  • LionAds.ShowBanner()

    • returns: boolean: false if no ad was ready. Even if false is returned, it will still load and show the banner as soon as ready.

    Call this to show a banner ad as soon as available.

    The banner will be positioned according to the “Banner Position” setting.

  • LionAds.HideBanner()

    • returns: void

    Call this to hide the banner ad.

  • LionAds.OnRewardedStatusChanged

    • type: Action<bool>

    Subscribe to this event to update RV buttons status when a Rewarded becomes ready. This is to avoid having to call IsRewardedReady constantly.