Getting Started


  • The Game Test was created on Lion Portal.
  • Supported Unity Versions: 2022.3.29 or newer.

Install Lion SDK Package

  1. Download LionSDKInstaller.unitypackage

  2. Import the package

  3. This should automatically open the Setup Wizard

    You can also open Setup Wizard manually from the LionStudio’s context menu

Setup Wizard

  1. Copy LionSDK Key

  2. Paste LionSDK Key to the Setup Wizard

  3. Press “Setup” button

  4. Follow further instructions under Setup Wizard popup

  5. The Setup Wizard will:

    1. Detect any missing modules in your project
    2. Download, install and configure all necessary modules
    3. Check your project for the Known Issues
    4. Provide one-click fixes for these issues
  6. Once the setup process is complete, LionSDK should be automatically configured for further prototype test

Installed Modules

All missing modules will be automatically installed and pre-configured in your project. No additional steps are required unless you need to make extended modifications.