

  • Backend Name: powerup_used

  • Description: The player used a power up or boost.

  • Event Type: Game

  • Priority: P1


Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
missionAttempt int Required mission_attempt Number of times user has played Game Level N (second play of Game Level N = 2)
missionID string Required mission_id The unique ID for the mission.
missionName string Optional mission_name
missionType string Optional mission_type Indicate the type of the mission, level, task, quests etc.
powerUpName string Required power_up_name The name of the power up.

Code example:

Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "PowerUpRemaining", "25" },
    { "Multiplier", "X2.5" }
LionAnalytics.PowerUpUsed("Mission_12", "ClimbTree", 8, "JumpDash", additionalData);