

  • Backend Name: level_fail

  • Description: The player failed a level

  • Event Type: Level

  • Priority: P1


Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
attemptNum int Optional level_attempt The attempt number
levelCollection1 string Optional level_collection1 The level collection
levelCollection2 string Optional level_collection2
levelNum int Required level_num The level number
missionName string Optional mission_name
missionType string Optional mission_type Indicate the type of the mission, level, task, quests etc.
score int Optional user_score The game score
failReason string Optional fail_reason

Code example

LionAnalytics.LevelFail(25, 10, 1529, "main_25", "main_25_15", "runner", "run_fast_01");