

  • Backend Name: level_complete

  • Description: The player completed a level

  • Event Type: Level

  • Priority: P1


Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
attemptNum int Optional level_attempt The attempt number
levelCollection1 string Optional level_collection1 The level collection
levelCollection2 string Optional level_collection2
levelNum int Required level_num The level number
missionName string Optional mission_name
missionType string Optional mission_type Indicate the type of the mission, level, task, quests etc.
reward Reward Required reward If rewards are given to the player at the time of the event, the reward object is used to track the items (e.g., boosters, coins, gems, etc) or currencies gifted or earned by the player to the player.
score int Optional user_score The game score

Code example

LionAnalytics.LevelComplete(25, 10, 1529, "main_25", "main_25_15", "runner", "run_fast_01");