

  • Backend Name: economy

  • Description: The player bought, sold or exchanged something in the game

  • Event Type: Monetization

  • Priority: P1


Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
productID string Optional product_id The Store SKU of the purchase unit
placement string Optional placement The location in the app where the purchase was made
receiptStatus ReceiptStatus Optional validated_receipt A receipt status object
transaction Transaction Required transaction Transaction object
transactionID string Optional transaction_id The receipt ID provided by the Store

The overrides below are for convenience and internally call the function above. So the backend names are the ones from the first table.

Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
amount int Required amount The amount the player BET / RAISED if applicable.
currencyType string Optional The type of currency used to buy the purchase. The default is USD
itemID string Required item_id Internal ID of an item within the game
itemType string Required item_type The type of item that is being interacted with, could be a spell, weapon, etc.
placement string Optional placement The location in the app where the purchase was made

Name Type Select Backend name Description
additionalData Dictionary Optional additional_data Any additional information
productID string Optional product_id The Store SKU of the purchase unit
placement string Optional placement The location in the app where the purchase was made
purchaseName string Required purchase_name Name of the purchase/pack the user bought
realCurrencyAmount float Required the localized price of the purchase
realCurrencyType string Required The type of real currency (USD, Euros, etc). Lion Analytics will automatically convert the localized price based on the ‘realCurrencyType’ (currency code) provided.
receiptStatus ReceiptStatus Optional validated_receipt A receipt status object
transactionID string Optional transaction_id The receipt ID provided by the Store
virtualCurrencyAmount int Required The virtual Currency amount in game
virtualCurrencyName string Required The virtual currency name used in the game
virtualCurrencyType string Required The type of virtual currency used in the game.

Code examples:

    Product productSpent = new Product();
    Product productReceived = new Product();
    RealCurrency realCurrency = new RealCurrency("$", 25.99f);
    productSpent.realCurrency = realCurrency;
    int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
    List<VirtualCurrency> virtualCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>
        { new VirtualCurrency("Received a Pack of : ", "$", virtualMoneyAmount) };
    productReceived.virtualCurrencies = virtualCurrencies;
    Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "Anything", 1356 },
        { "More Anything", 76.85f },
        { "status Something", true },
        { "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
    LionAnalytics.EconomyEvent(virtualMoneyAmount + "Bought", productSpent, productReceived,
        "store_money_tab", "", "xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", additionalData,
        ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package
    int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
    Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "Anything", 1356 },
        { "More Anything", 76.85f },
        { "status Something", true },
        { "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
    LionAnalytics.InAppPurchase(virtualMoneyAmount, "Coins", "collectible", "USD", 25.99f,
        virtualMoneyAmount + "Bought", "", "xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", additionalData,
        ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package
    Product productSpent = new Product();
    Product productReceived = new Product();
    RealCurrency realCurrency = new RealCurrency("$", 25.99f);
    productSpent.realCurrency = realCurrency;
    int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
    List<VirtualCurrency> virtualCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>
        { new VirtualCurrency("Received a Pack of : ", "$", virtualMoneyAmount) };
    productReceived.virtualCurrencies = virtualCurrencies;
    Transaction transaction = new Transaction("store Transaction", "USD", productReceived, productSpent,
        "xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", "");
    transaction.AddSpentItem("free coins", "USD ", 0);
    transaction.AddReceivedItem("free 5 coins", "coins", 5);
    Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "Anything", 1356 },
        { "More Anything", 76.85f },
        { "status Something", true },
        { "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
        transaction.productID, transaction.transactionID,
        "store_money_tab", additionalData,
        ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package