Backend Name:
Description: The player bought, sold or exchanged something in the game
Event Type:
Name | Type | Select | Backend name | Description |
additionalData | Dictionary |
Optional | additional_data | Any additional information |
productID | string | Optional | product_id | The Store SKU of the purchase unit |
placement | string | Optional | placement | The location in the app where the purchase was made |
receiptStatus | ReceiptStatus | Optional | validated_receipt | A receipt status object |
transaction | Transaction | Required | transaction | Transaction object |
transactionID | string | Optional | transaction_id | The receipt ID provided by the Store |
The overrides below are for convenience and internally call the function above. So the backend names are the ones from the first table.
Name | Type | Select | Backend name | Description |
additionalData | Dictionary |
Optional | additional_data | Any additional information |
amount | int | Required | amount | The amount the player BET / RAISED if applicable. |
currencyType | string | Optional | The type of currency used to buy the purchase. The default is USD | |
itemID | string | Required | item_id | Internal ID of an item within the game |
itemType | string | Required | item_type | The type of item that is being interacted with, could be a spell, weapon, etc. |
placement | string | Optional | placement | The location in the app where the purchase was made |
Name | Type | Select | Backend name | Description |
additionalData | Dictionary |
Optional | additional_data | Any additional information |
productID | string | Optional | product_id | The Store SKU of the purchase unit |
placement | string | Optional | placement | The location in the app where the purchase was made |
purchaseName | string | Required | purchase_name | Name of the purchase/pack the user bought |
realCurrencyAmount | float | Required | the localized price of the purchase | |
realCurrencyType | string | Required | The type of real currency (USD, Euros, etc). Lion Analytics will automatically convert the localized price based on the ‘realCurrencyType’ (currency code) provided. | |
receiptStatus | ReceiptStatus | Optional | validated_receipt | A receipt status object |
transactionID | string | Optional | transaction_id | The receipt ID provided by the Store |
virtualCurrencyAmount | int | Required | The virtual Currency amount in game | |
virtualCurrencyName | string | Required | The virtual currency name used in the game | |
virtualCurrencyType | string | Required | The type of virtual currency used in the game. |
Code examples:
Product productSpent = new Product();
Product productReceived = new Product();
RealCurrency realCurrency = new RealCurrency("$", 25.99f);
productSpent.realCurrency = realCurrency;
int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
List<VirtualCurrency> virtualCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>
{ new VirtualCurrency("Received a Pack of : ", "$", virtualMoneyAmount) };
productReceived.virtualCurrencies = virtualCurrencies;
Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Anything", 1356 },
{ "More Anything", 76.85f },
{ "status Something", true },
{ "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
LionAnalytics.EconomyEvent(virtualMoneyAmount + "Bought", productSpent, productReceived,
"store_money_tab", "", "xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", additionalData,
ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package
int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Anything", 1356 },
{ "More Anything", 76.85f },
{ "status Something", true },
{ "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
LionAnalytics.InAppPurchase(virtualMoneyAmount, "Coins", "collectible", "USD", 25.99f,
virtualMoneyAmount + "Bought", "", "xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", additionalData,
ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package
Product productSpent = new Product();
Product productReceived = new Product();
RealCurrency realCurrency = new RealCurrency("$", 25.99f);
productSpent.realCurrency = realCurrency;
int virtualMoneyAmount = Mathf.FloorToInt(1500f);
List<VirtualCurrency> virtualCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>
{ new VirtualCurrency("Received a Pack of : ", "$", virtualMoneyAmount) };
productReceived.virtualCurrencies = virtualCurrencies;
Transaction transaction = new Transaction("store Transaction", "USD", productReceived, productSpent,
"xcf22f89574u45k6jy8", "");
transaction.AddSpentItem("free coins", "USD ", 0);
transaction.AddReceivedItem("free 5 coins", "coins", 5);
Dictionary<string, object> additionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "Anything", 1356 },
{ "More Anything", 76.85f },
{ "status Something", true },
{ "Message Something", "Yes! this is good" }
transaction.productID, transaction.transactionID,
"store_money_tab", additionalData,
ReceiptStatus.Success); //Receipt status should be received either from adjust or lion's IAP package