LionAnalytics Event List
Event Type: [All Events] | [Gameplay] | [Ads] | [Level] | [Monetization] | [Social] | [Debug] | [Experiments] | [Internal]
Priority: [All Priorities] | [P0] | [P1] | [P2] | [P3] | [P4] | [P5]
Client Function | Event Type | Backend Name | Priority | Description |
SkillUsed | Game | skill_used | P3 | The player used a skill in game (cast fireball, used bomb, used swing…) |
LevelUp | Game | level_up | P5 | The player leveled up. Note: this is for “player levels”. These are traditionally linked to “XP points” earned during gameplay. This is different from completing “game levels”, which is tracked by Mission Event |
NotificationOpened | Game | notification | P3 | The game was launched through a push notification, or a notification was received. |
FeatureUnlocked | Game | feature_unlocked | P3 | The player unlocked a level, item, badge, level, skills or anything else. |
GameStarted | Game | game_started | P0 | The game started. This event is now fired automatically at the end of Lion SDK initialization. |
ItemCollected | Game | item_collected | P3 | The player picked up or was gifted an item. |
ProductViewed | Game | product_viewed_event | P3 | The player looked at a product’s description, or viewed an item. This is designed to capture a player’s interest. |
Options | Game | options | P4 | Use this event to track when a player changes game option on the settings screen (e.g. toggle audio on/off, enable notifications, etc). |
ShopEntered | Game | shop_entered | P3 | The player accessed the shop. |
NewPlayer | Game | new_player | P5 | A new player entered the game |
HandAction | Game | hand_action | P4 | This event is a poker specific event used to track the betting rounds within a hand of poker. |
Achievement | Game | achievement | P3 | The player completed an achievement. This event can also record the rewards for this achievement. |
CharacterCreated | Game | character_created | P3 | The player created a new character. |
SkillUpgraded | Game | skill_upgraded | P3 | The player upgraded one of their character’s skills. |
CharacterUpdated | Game | character_updated | P3 | The player updated a characters information. |
PowerUpUsed | Game | powerup_used | P1 | The player used a power up or boost. |
UiInteraction | Game | ui_interaction | P3 | The player interacted with parts of the user interface, specifically pressed buttons to view specific features and navigate around. |
ItemActioned | Game | item_actioned | P3 | The player used an item. |
CharacterDeleted | Game | character_deleted | P3 | The player deleted a character. |
AppOpenStart | Ads | app_open_start | P4 | An appopen ad started |
AppOpenShowFail | Ads | app_open_show_fail | P4 | An appopen ad failed to show |
AppOpenShow | Ads | app_open_show | P4 | An appopen ad was requested to show |
AppOpenLoadFail | Ads | app_open_load_fail | P4 | An appopen ad failed to load |
AppOpenLoad | Ads | app_open_load | P4 | An appopen ad was loaded |
AppOpenEnd | Ads | app_open_end | P4 | An appopen ad ended |
AppOpenClicked | Ads | app_open_clicked | P4 | An appopen ad was clicked |
InterOpenStart | Ads | inter_open_start | P4 | An interopen ad started |
InterOpenClicked | Ads | inter_open_clicked | P4 | An interopen ad was clicked |
InterOpenLoadFail | Ads | inter_open_load_fail | P4 | An interopen ad failed to load |
InterOpenShow | Ads | inter_open_show | P4 | An interopen ad was requested to show |
InterOpenShowFail | Ads | inter_open_show_fail | P4 | An interopen ad failed to show |
InterOpenEnd | Ads | inter_open_end | P4 | An interopen ad ended |
InterOpenLoad | Ads | inter_open_load | P4 | An interopen ad was loaded |
RewardVideoLoadFail | Ads | reward_video_load_fail | P5 | A rewarded video ad failed to load |
RewardVideoLoad | Ads | reward_video_load | P5 | A rewarded video ad was loaded |
InterstitialLoadFail | Ads | interstitial_load_fail | P5 | An interstitial ad failed to load |
InterstitialLoad | Ads | interstitial_load | P5 | An interstitial ad was loaded |
InterstitialShowFail | Ads | interstitial_show_fail | P5 | An interstitial ad failed to show |
RewardVideoOpportunity | Ads | reward_video_opportunity | P3 | The player was presented with the option for a rewarded video. |
CrossPromoClick | Ads | cross_video_clicked | P4 | The cross promotion ad was clicked |
RewardVideoEnd | Ads | reward_video_end | P4 | A rewarded video ad ended |
RewardVideoShowFail | Ads | reward_video_show_fail | P5 | A rewarded video ad failed to show |
RewardVideoStart | Ads | reward_video_start | P4 | A rewarded video ad started |
RewardVideoCollect | Ads | reward_video_collect | P2 | A rewarded video’s reward was collected |
CrossPromoLoad | Ads | cross_promo_load | P5 | A cross Promo ad was loaded |
RewardVideoShow | Ads | reward_video_show | P1 | A rewarded video ad was requested to show |
RewardVideoClick | Ads | reward_video_clicked | P4 | A rewarded video ad was clicked |
InterstitialEnd | Ads | interstitial_end | P4 | An interstitial ad ended |
CrossPromoLoadFail | Ads | cross_promo_load_fail | P5 | A cross Promo ad failed to load |
InterstitialClick | Ads | interstitial_clicked | P4 | An interstitial ad was clicked |
InterstitialStart | Ads | interstitial_start | P4 | An interstitial ad started |
CrossPromoShow | Ads | cross_promo_show | P1 | A cross promotion ad was requested to show |
BannerShowRequested | Ads | banner_show | P5 | A banner ad was requested to shown |
CrossPromoStart | Ads | cross_promo_start | P4 | A cross promotion ad has started |
CrossPromoShowFail | Ads | cross_promo_show_fail | P5 | A cross promotion ad failed to show |
CrossPromoEnd | Ads | cross_promo_end | P4 | A cross promotion ad has ended |
InterstitialShow | Ads | interstitial_show | P1 | An interstitial ad was requested to show |
LevelFail | Level | level_fail | P1 | The player failed a level |
MissionStarted | Level | mission_started | P1 | The player started a mission |
MissionFailed | Level | mission_fail | P1 | The player failed a mission |
LevelComplete | Level | level_complete | P1 | The player completed a level |
MissionCompleted | Level | mission_complete | P1 | The player completed a mission |
LevelAbandoned | Level | level_abandoned | P1 | The player abandoned a level |
MissionAbandoned | Level | mission_abandoned | P1 | The player abandoned a mission |
MissionStep | Level | mission_step | P1 | This event allows you to track partial progress towards completing a mission. If there are some natural steps or breakpoints during a mission, fire the MissionStep events. |
LevelStep | Level | level_step | P1 | If a game level has some internal steps or milestones towards completion, you can use this event to track as players complete each step toward overall level completion. This help with tracking partial completion of levels to understand when players fall off. |
LevelStart | Level | level_start | P1 | The player started a level |
InAppPurchase | Monetization | inapp_purchase | P1 | The player purchased an IAP |
EconomyEvent | Monetization | economy | P1 | The player bought, sold or exchanged something in the game |
InviteRewarded | Social | invite_rewarded | P3 | The player successfully invited another player |
InviteRewarded | Social | invite_rewarded | P3 | The player successfully invited another player |
Support | Social | support | P3 | Use this event allows to track when players use in-game tools to contact Lion Studios Support with questions. |
GiftSent | Social | gift_sent | P3 | The player sent a gift to another player |
InviteReceived | Social | invite_received | P3 | The player received an invite to a set of users |
Social | Social | social | P3 | A social interaction took place |
InviteSent | Social | invite_sent | P3 | The player sent an invite to the game |
GiftReceived | Social | gift_received | P3 | The player received a gift from another player |
SocialConnect | Social | social_connect | P3 | The player connected to a social network |
ErrorEvent | Debug | error_event | P0 | The game had an expected error or issue |
DebugEvent | Debug | debug_event | P5 | Anything happened which is not covered by other events but is needed to debug or understand a situation |
PredictionResult | Experiments | prediction_result | P1 | If your game is using any predictive models (e.g. Multi-arm Bandit) or other machine learning algorithms to pull levers in your game, use this event to track the prediction related to the player. Since players may have different values, this is used during analysis to track model predictions to behavior outcomes. |
AbCohort | Experiments | ab_cohort | P1 | Fired automatically by Satori Client Module. No action required if it is installed. If not: The player was assigned to a cohort. The event should be fired every session. |
FunnelEvent | Experiments | funnel_event | P4 | A funnel event test |
Heartbeat | Internal | heartbeat | P0 | Fired automatically by LionAnalytics. No action required. |