Satori Adapter


Satori is a LiveOps product from Heroic Labs that supports remote configuration, AB experiments, user segmentation, and scheduled LiveOps events.

LiveOps Remote Config can use Satori to get its remote config values.


  • Open the LionStudios/Settings Manager window

  • Open the LiveOps tab

  • Select Satori from “Live Ops Type” dropdown.

  • Fill up the information:

    1. Client URL: Provided by the PM

      Note: Do not include the “https://” portion of the link

    2. Port: 443

    3. API Key: Go to the Satori Dashboard > Settings > API KEYs to find the value

    4. Timeout Milliseconds: 5000

    5. Editor Identity: for Editor testing purposes. This can be left blank.

      Note: Defines the Identity of the user that will be shown on the Satori dashboard when testing from the Unity Editor.

    6. Mab Key: Leave this blank

  • Example Configuration for KingWing: