AB Experiments (Firebase)

Run AB Experiments with Firebase, the LiveOps solution from Google.


  • LionSDK will automatically fire theab_cohort event to LionAnalytics, allowing us to analyze the experiment results IF the experiment setup is correct on the Firebase dashboard.
  • This document explains the requirements using an example use-case.

Example Use-Case

  • A game with game code csc runs an experiment to evaluate the impact of different interstitial ad timings. The experiment is named csc_and_newInterTimer, with the following variants and configurations:

    Variants inter_between_time inter_start_time
    90 90
    60 60
    120 120
  • Each variant receives different values for the experiment’s inter_between_time and inter_start_time remote configs.


  • Create an experiment with an experiment name following the experiment naming convention

    • Naming Convention → {game_code}_{platform}_{testName}
      • game_code: Three-letter game code (e.g., FNI, SBP, FMT). If the game doesn’t have a three-letter code, use the game name in camel-case: gameThatDoesntHaveCode.
      • platform:
        • ios for iOS
        • and for Android
        • all for tests run on both platforms simultaneously (start and end dates should be equal).
      • testName: Any descriptive name for the test. Please use camel case instead of spaces for multiple words.
    • Example → csc_and_newInterTimer
  • Create an experiment remote config parameter following the naming convention

    • Contention → exp_{game_code}_{platform}_{testName}

    • Example → exp_csc_and_newInterTimer

  • Enter the respective variant name to each experiment remote config parameter

  • Add other remote config parameters and their values relevant to your experiment

  • Start experiment