Missions Events


In contrast to linear progression systems, in which users complete specific tasks or objectives in a predetermined order, non-linear progression systems are dynamic and allow players more freedom to explore and complete tasks or objectives differently, meaning that each player’s experience of the game is unique.

Non-linear systems are defined by players being able to progress through system stages in more than one order, i.e., players can begin stages in multiple orders. For example, if a game is designed to progress players through missions A, B, C, D, E…Z, and the player can begin mission E without performing some action on mission D (completing, failing, abandoning), then the system is non-linear. There is typically a high variance in the order of player progression through non-linear systems.

Available Events

  • mission_started: the start of the mission
  • mission_complete: the mission is completed
  • mission_fail: the mission failed
  • mission_abandoned: the player abandoned the mission
  • mission_step: the player stepping through the mission

This event type can be used for calculating metrics such as how many players completed each type of mission, their fail ratio, and the score.

Critical Parameters

  • Required
    • is_tutorial: is the mission a tutorial
    • mission_id: the unique id of the mission
    • mission_attempt: the Nth time the player attempts the mission. Increment the number by one every time the player restarts the mission
    • reward: If a player succeeds in completing a mission, they can be rewarded. Use the reward object to record all items/virtual currencies rewarded to the player
    • user_score: The player’s score. Note that this parameter does not apply to the mission_started event
  • Optional
    • mission_type: the mission type
    • mission_name: the name of the mission


  • Wordle!
    • The game design meets the criteria of a non-linear progression where players do not have to progress through the systems in a specific order
    • For example, players can start playing a Classic mode word, exit to the main screen, and start playing the Daily Puzzle word without having to complete the word in the Classic mode
    • Daily Puzzle mode is also another example of a non-linear progression system
      • Players are given the day’s puzzle for free. However, they did not have to complete past days’ puzzles to unlock it
      • In addition, they can play any of the days they have missed for an RV or coins
  • Example of Event trigger timing and the usage of critical parameters
    • The player starts playing Classic mode, getting a new word to guess
      • mission_started
        • mission_type = “SixGuesses”
        • mission_name = “SixGuesses_5”
        • mission_id = “SHEER”
        • is_tutorial = FALSE
    • The player decides to exit the Classic mode after making the first guess and play Daily Puzzle instead
      • mission_started
        • mission_type = “DailyPuzzle”
        • mission_name = “DailyPuzzle_SixGuesses”
        • mission_id = “STUDS”
        • is_tutorial = FALSE
    • The player exits the Daily Puzzle mode after making the first guess, goes back to the Classic mode, and completes guessing the word
      • mission_completed
        • mission_type = “SixGuesses”
        • mission_name = “SixGuesses_5”
        • mission_id = “SHEER”
        • is_tutorial = FALSE
        • user_score = 79


LA Conceptual Guide Flow Charts - Mission Events.jpeg

Event Validation

  • If you do not have access to Looker, please use the LionAnalytics QA Tool following the instructions here: LionAnalytics QA Tool
  • If you have access to Looker, for each relevant event, check the following:
    • The event name appears - [ref]

    • The critical parameters of the events are present [ref]

      Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 15.21.46.png

Dashboard & Analysis


Unique User Count

Mission Start Count

Mission Fail Count

Mission Complete Count

Mission Abandon Count

Mission Fail Rate

Median Mission Complete Score


Non-linear Mission Explore


Non-linear Mission Dashboard